Most businesses have an online presence today. If you are trying to flourish your business, you should probably start looking for a hosting solution. Looking at the best web hosting plans in India can help you determine which one will suit your business the most. Creating a website is not just about designing it and registering the URL. You will need to choose a hosting plan that makes your website accessible to thousands of online users. Let us take a look at the best web hosting plans that you can find in India.

  1. Bluehost

Bluehost is one of the leading companies in this industry. Founded in 2003, this web hosting provider is top-rated throughout India. It is the preferred choice for a lot of business brands. Unlike its competitors, Bluehost has data centers in India, offering websites the fastest website speed among all domain hosting services. The average page loading time is less than a second. Also, it has 99.99% uptime. The plans range from Rs. 199 to Rs. 360 for a month. You will get spam protection and SSL certificates with Bluehost.

  1. Hostinger

Hostinger is suited for any type of website. It offers web hosting plans in Indiathat are cost-effective and fast. You will also get good support from Hostinger. The ping from its servers is excellent in the country and even on the global level. The uptime is very good and the average loading time is 0.55 seconds for a page. Hostinger provides plans with unlimited bandwidth, free domain, and integration with Cloudflare CDN. The monthly plans vary from Rs. 59 to Rs. 219.

  1. DreamHost

DreamHost offers a domain hosting website with integrated WordPress. The websites here are scalable and the users are able to manage their websites through WordPress. You will receive automatic updates, daily backups, and caching. The average loading time for Dreamhost is about 2.35 seconds and has an uptime of 99.62%. You will receive 24/7 in-house support from DreamHost. The plans for Dreamhost start from Rs. 190. You will get unlimited data storage and bandwidth with this web hosting service.

  1. BigRock

The web hosting plans from BigRock are very good for any business. You will get an average ping speed of 106 ms from its servers. The loading time of a page hosted on its servers is around 0.74 seconds. This company also offers an uptime of 99.9%. You will get hard disk space of 20 GB, 100 GB data transfer, support for a website and email services. The plans from BigRock generally vary from Rs. 99 to Rs. 149 a month. This web hosting service offers one of the most affordable web hosting solutions in the country. It has a set of advanced hosting features and the fastest network of data centers.

If you are looking to start a business or take your business online, the hosting plans from these providers can make for the best solutions. Choose a shared or a VPS hosting service depending on the requirement or size of your business.